Safwan Paleri

Game Programmer, currently working as an Unity developer, India
Graduated Bachelor of Technology (Honors.) in Computer Science Engineering with major in Machine Learning and elective
in Robotic Process Automation.

1.Guardian - Gameplay C++


This is Unreal Solo project, created for exploring myself as a gameplay ai programmer. This is second phase of the project you see next. 2. Guardian


  • Created character's components, inputs, and behavior.
  • implementation of an AI controller for an enemy character.
  • Stealth Kill, Double Jump, Health and mana regeneration, Melee Attack and Ranged Attack
  • Danger Sense inspired from Spider-Man, slows the time giving player time to Dodge
  • Ranged Magic Attack inspired from Sekiro Guardian Ape Fear attack




This is Unreal Solo project, created for exploring myself as a game animation programmer. The player is a Guardian of a temple. Bored being himself, waiting for other warriors to challenge him.


  • Created and playing Intro Scene at starting of level.
  • Created a Combo Attack system purely using C++.
  • Restricting player controlles on some Animation sequence
  • implemented Emotes to play
  • Changing Skeletal Mesh in runtime. (Wanted to do in C++, but ue4 had different plans.)

Sample Codes.

3.TPS Shooter


This is Unreal Solo project, created by myself with the help of, Youtube, StackOverflow etc. The player hacked and took over a robot located in enemy base. The player has to destroy the rest of the robots.


  • Gameplay Mechanics of Player and robots
  • AI Mechanism of enemies
  • Health and bullet system
  • Game Loop
  • Added free assets like base,music,robot

Sample Codes.

4. NPC Talk - Ai Prototype


InWorldAI SDK provides Real world conversation building with Players. I've added a subtle innovation. Now, NPCs can seamlessly continue their dialogues, and if a player chooses to, they can step into the conversation and shape the narrative.


  • Rapid prototyping
  • Used InWorldAI Api for dialogue creation
  • Rest API in Unity C#
  • Player can join in between the conversation
  • Added free text to speech asset for audible conversations.

Sample Code.

5.Zombie Hunt


This is Unity3D Solo project, created by myself with the help of, Youtube, StackOverflow etc. The player is hunting zombies for fun in a isolated island. Player have access to weapon system and torch light.


  • AI zombie can be activated by distance or shooting it
  • Player Weapon and ammo system
  • Pickups like ammo and battery
  • Player and zombie health systems
  • Basic UI and Game Loop

Sample Codes.

6.Space Shooter(3D)


This is Unity3D Solo project, created by myself with the help of, Youtube, StackOverflow etc. The 3D version of Space Shooter(2D) which is 2D game i worked on. The Fighter ship controlled by the player have to fight enemy ship.


  • Scripted Enemy ships coming in waves and shooting the player
  • Scripted player controls
  • Scripted player health and score system
  • Game Loop
  • Added Sound Effects

Sample Codes.

7.Space Shooter(2D)


This is Unity2D Solo project, created by myself with the help of, Youtube, StackOverflow etc. The 2D inifinte loop game where the player is controlling a fighter jet and have to fight enemy ship.


  • Scripted Enemy ships coming in waves and shooting the player
  • Scripted Player controls
  • Scripted player health and scroing system
  • Game Loop
  • Added free assets like ships,music,enemies

Sample Codes.

8.Free runner (Mario Clone)


This is Unity2D Solo project, created by myself with the help of, Youtube, StackOverflow etc. A clone of mario game.


  • Scripted player movement
  • Scripted camera movement
  • Scripted coins and healt system
  • Scripted enemies
  • Game Loop

Sample Codes.